Bad news: I still can't win. In fact, look at my chart since i started at .25/.50 and you'll see my win has turned into something...statistically insignificant. Good news, is that I think maybe I've made a good change. After reading Scott's blog entry about aggressiveness, I decided he was right, as my money won without showdown had been on an ever-downward line since about hand 4k. So here's my chart for Saturday/Sunday/this morning, with money won without showdown in red.

The fact that it's above zero...that's a good thing. If we look at my 3 weeks of play, you can see I've lost a significant amount without showdown. That means I'm not stealing enough, not playing my draws aggressively enough, and I'm helping build pots and then laying down too often.

So, eh, I dunno. Carry on? This afternoon I'll do the HH's for bu and scott and see what they had to say about me. I'm excited for the week, but also have guests in town Tues/Wed/Thurs/Fri and am skeptical about getting my hands in.
But...that might mean I have another live play post next weekend. Hoorah.
1 comment:
Still plugging away? You haven't updated in awhile.
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