Friday, August 22, 2008

New Update on August Goals and First Thoughts on September

[x] 20k hands.

As of now I have 14.5k, not including tournaments blah blah blah. I've played 18 days of 6max, at 800 hands per day. I only need to average 611 hands per day to hit the number.

[?] 5ptbb/100

I'm at 4.25 for my last 7k hands, and moving up. For the month only 1.5 :(, but I could conceivably get there.

Now, September. What I think, for now.

[ ] 25k hands. Average 1k over approximately 25 days of play.
[ ] Bump my earn up by one ptbb/100. Realistically I hope to finish around 2.5 this month, so shoot for 3.5 next. This would earn me $875 and put me within sniffing distance of being realistically rolled for .5/1.

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