Monday, January 5, 2009

WTF Am I Doing? New Years 09

I played a ton over the summer, had a rough September (bah didn't even lose much), and kinda gave up for a bit. I was much less able than i thought to grind hands at home with the baby (duh?), and didn't end up with the numbers I was after.

The result, I guess, has been a virtual retirement for October and November. I started playing again a bit in December, came up a couple days short of Silver status, and now need to figure out what i'm going to do. When last I made goals (Sept), they included 25k hands and 2ptbb/100. I'm going to seriously scale back and see what I can do this month.

So, yeah...that's something. It'll get me playing, in any event.
Goals for Jan:
NL 6max cash
15k hands
Silver status

3 days of at least a few big field online tournies (one down already a couple days ago) with ROI > 0.

Yes, starting small. But, that's something, eh?

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