Finished 3rd at uw85's tournament on the 4th. 3 handed i'm in the bb, blinds 8/15k with an ante and i have 120k. I'm covered by both villains. Button limps, SB completes and I check my option with K7o. Flop comes KT4 rainbow. SB checks, i bet 45k into 48k and the button calls. Turn is a 6 to complete the rainbow. I move in for my last 60k and he calls nearly without hesitation with AT. Wheee, river ace.
I'm down, but I catch the points leader for the year, and October is the final month. I'm now up 10 points. The thing is, you get 10 for a final table, and his tournament is often like 15 players. The guy right behind me is a real tight fuck, so there's a lot of pressure on me now to FT. Uw85 uses a weird non-weighted system, 100/80/60/40/20/10s for the rest of the FT. So...you see. If he finishes 6-9 and I don't FT we tie for the year. If we both FT i need to keep him close and if he finishes 4th or better and ahead of me I'd be dead.
Took down the CT Thursday tonight for the 8th time, tying poker god fsu88. Here are some hands that mattered...
In my first hand of any consequence, I 3bet a guy I've never seen before but is shaping up to be the table captain lagtard. I lay down here but I'm looking for opportunities against this guy.
Next hand of consequence, shockingly, against the same player. He limp/calls and I think there's zero chance he has an ace or a big hand there. He donks the flop and this seemed like an easy shove to me. Also, I may have been feeling slightly tilty. But I'd bet $100 he had 55(ish).
This is another example of the fairly retarded lagtard stuff he's doing. I remember at this point to be looking for stacking opportunities against him, not chances to steal small pots.
It's hard to imagine, but I basically play no pots of consequence until 50/100. I raise 44 and cbet scottwire, which is always scary b/c he loves to CR the flop. I pick up blinds with QQ and 3bet JJ v my archnemesis but get no action.
My first big pot comes at 75/150. It's against...yes, kalhan. I 3bet AQ, shove it b/c it's about right and I don't want him getting any ideas about me laying down. Winning races is nice.
That hand put me in the chip lead with 18 to go. There were some medium stacks and some players that I knew wouldn't reraise light, so I got to work on stealing blinds. I pick up the blinds 4 of the next 11 hands unopposed, including a QQ that left me sad and unsatisfied.
I dropped 1k when i opened 66 and matty minraised allin with QQ. It looks like I sat really tight for a few rounds after that, prolly b/c of the awkward stack sizes. I can't open small enough to be able to fold to a shove by a shorty at that point, and they're all shorties.
My next big hand is here, v joserijo. He's a pretty good lag. He plays 50nl and is really aggressive. He's been stealing liberally, and I shove here b/c my stack is at that point. He INSTAcalls with that hand, which tilted me in anticipation of a bad flop. Hand holds up, big chipleader now with two tables.
This hand is a big blurg, but I think is basically necessary at this point in the tournament.
So I'm getting exactly 2:1. I stoved it against broadway, aces and pairs and figured I had 35%. I call, he shows A8 and I brick out.
Speaking of chronic check-raisers...I think Raiderjoe might be the worst. I swear this guy has CR'd me on the flop several hundred times. I feel 100% sure I dodged one here, and it pleased me. In other times I would have ALWAYS bet the gutshot on the flop.
I bust joserijo with QQ > Q7 aipf. Flopped a set but had to sweat a flush draw on the turn. Was happy to see him gone b/c I prefer weak-tights a the table, not lags.
FT now. I bust some guy with AJ > KJ aipf w00t.
Chiptstacks and evaluation of the situation:
Seat 1: thejojobinks ( $13758.00 USD ) <-- animal
Seat 3: vrecksler ( $7393.00 USD ) <-- fundamentally sound. maybe too patient. glad to have him behind me, i think he's a bit scared of me.
Seat 4: mattythatguy ( $1989.00 USD ) <-- can spew, but mostly tight.
Seat 5: RaiderJoe40 ( $2085.00 USD ) <-- very tight, tricky after flop (won't matter unless he gets some chips though)
Seat 6: julesdAA ( $8325.00 USD ) <-- unknown
Seat 7: scottwire ( $5346.00 USD ) <-- very good player, will shovebot well.
Seat 8: cdnmoose07 ( $12104.00 USD ) <-- he plays pretty tight, but find him to be a bit of a spewer. we play regularly on monday nights and i see him do some crazy stuff. he also steals like crazy and i'm happy to be behind him.
Some more hands:
Jules gets crippled and i bust him aipf KT > A3. I double up raiderjoe (drats) with a dominated ace aipf.
From 6handed to 4 handed my stack goes from 12k to 18.5k without seeing a flop. Not getting great hands, but I have the chips and they're waiting on big hands, I guess. Cdnmoose makes a huge mistake whatever he had here...I think this is just horrible.
Eh, the replay doesn't do it justice, but he's getting like 3:1, and half his stack's in the pot. He claimed he had 3 outs, which I guess means he had A9 or something. But seriously? He leaves himself 5k at 400/800, which I find really silly. The good news (for him) is that he starts shoving like a maniac and no one wants to play with him. He doubles up without a flop, and then busts raiderjoe with a small ace aipf v joes Kx.
Stacks and situation:
Seat 1: thejojobinks ( $25320.00 USD )
Seat 3: vrecksler ( $13386.00 USD )
Seat 8: cdnmoose07 ( $12294.00 USD )
So vrecksler will be looking for good opportunities, but will undervalue steal opportunites and bad broadway hands to open. cdnmoose won't have that sort of hesitancy, and will apply pressure. It's my job to steal from vreck and not let cdnmoose run over me.
No action with AK, KQs. Vreck doubles up through moose with AK > A5 aipf, and moose is down to 3k.
The very next hand I double him up to 6k with Ax v 33 and he's off to the races again. Is this getting long now?
I make another raise/call with Q9, and again lose a 40/60 to cdnmoose. Now stacks:
Seat 1: thejojobinks ( $14746.00 USD )
Seat 3: vrecksler ( $20272.00 USD )
Seat 8: cdnmoose07 ( $15982.00 USD )
blinds 400/800
Gonna speed it up now, b/c i'm tired as shit.
Vrecksler busted with this hand and was really disappointed, but come on. Moose makes a ridiculously spewy shove for 20+bbs with a bad ace and sucks out. Vrecksler got it in silly good, and that's just how it goes.
HU went 11 hands. He started with a 2:1 chiplead and I'm proud to say I lost exactly 0 chips but for my blinds in the match.
lol not true now that I actually look at the HH. This hand nearly blew my head off. I really thought he was pretty strong, and I obviously was gonna lose at showdown if I checked, but could I really shove this river? He takes a big pot and I'm in trouble, nearly down 4:1
These are the last two hands. Of course I flop it sik hard but he makes another redonkulous spew with king hi, then we race off for the rest. I win my 8th woo.
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