First, I induce a giant spew from a nitty regular.
No-Limit Hold'em, $0.50 BB (5 handed) - Hold'em Manager Converter Tool from FlopTurnRiver.com
saw flop | saw showdown
Button ($50.75)
SB ($54.45)
BB ($70.25)
Hero (UTG) ($63.75)
MP ($58.90)
Preflop: Hero is UTG with K

Hero raises $2, MP calls $2, 1 fold, SB calls $1.75, BB raises $13.25, Hero raises $33.50, 2 folds, BB raises $56.50 (All-In), Hero calls $28.25 (All-In)
Flop: ($131.50) 2

Turn: ($131.50) 5

River: ($131.50) 4

Total pot: $131.50
Results in white below:
BB had Q

Hero didn't show K

Outcome: BB won $136
This one was a barrel of fun:
No-Limit Hold'em, $0.50 BB (6 handed) - Hold'em Manager Converter Tool from FlopTurnRiver.com
saw flop | saw showdown
Button ($90.55)
SB ($26.40)
BB ($50)
Hero (UTG) ($49.25)
MP ($99.25)
CO ($50)
Preflop: Hero is UTG with K

Hero raises $2, 2 folds, Button calls $2, 2 folds
Flop: ($4.75) 5

Hero bets $3.80, Button calls $3.80
Turn: ($12.35) 6

Hero bets $7.75, Button calls $7.75
River: ($27.85) A

Hero bets $17.25, Button raises $77 (All-In), Hero folds
Total pot: $62.35
Results in white below:
Button didn't show
Outcome: Button won $119.10
To round off the big hands, we had kk < AA, JJ < AA, KK v flopped set and AA v 48 (dooooh, NOT 48!!!??!).
For the day: 704 hands, 21/20/6, -36ptbb/100 w00000000000000000t.
Tonight: the Bothell tournament. Confidence booster or soul crusher? More later.
That post is so long I cannot follow it.
ouch. Those session really kill the confidence don't they. You still aiming for 25k hands? How'd the tourney end up?
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