Was feeling good coming off of last night's win and my 6max success. Some new guys, who tend not to have been punished as yet for their overly loose play. So I'd like to play really tight. I make tptk twice in the first orbit and build it to 1955, allowing me to sit tight all the way to forty minutes in. This hand came up at 25/50, and littlebu...there's no other way to put it...pwns me.
I'm so dumb for not betting the turn, I get so dreamy about the chance of him having AQ or something, and let him off the hook. I like my bet on the river, but he just didn't have anything. He told me later he took a long hard think considering a shove on the river. No such luck.
So I have 2200, and position on FSU, which is good, but the field is still mine-filled, and I'm going to do my best not to piss off my stack again. I'm basically completely refraining from blind steals b/c I'm not happy about the guys in my blinds. I get a bit of a scare when i 3bet a button raise with KK and the flop comes A-hi, but my small c-bet takes it down. I get it up to 3k by making hands and getting very little action, but FSU is up to 5k and I know there'll be some hands played against him, b/c the action runs through Jeff when he's got chips.
Whataboutj bets the flop, I call and make the nuts on the turn and he gives me no action, making me wonder if these guys can see my cards tonight. The way my cards have gone, I think I should have at least 4k now.
Speaking of which, this hand amused me. I planned to stop and go against the button raise, but the flop came A-hi. We checked it all the way down and I received a gift pot.
J busts 4th and the bubble is burst.
FSU - 7360
imalooper - 3445
jojobinks - 2695
In addition to fsu playing a really strong lag game, imalooper has come out of his 14/9 self and has started 3betting. I feel things will have to go well for me to get some chips here. And boy do they go well.
I get it all in preflop when I 4bet TT v imalooper and he shows me TT. 4 spades come and boom, I've got 6k and a chiplead. I steal my ass off and get it up to 8600. Then resolution #2 fails me once again. WTF is wrong with me?
Some things to consider...FSU occasionally will limp with a monster. I think he uses this especially often against me, b/c he's been so successful trapping me over the years. I think I eventually called b/c of the fact that the pot was limped. I just couldn't believe he'd think I had an ace here. Here 'tis.
I got all wishful thinking there. God, just hate it. Aaaaaaarghhghgh.
Nevertheless, I still have 5300, and imalooper is stuck at 1600 at 100/200 so I'm good to get headup with fsu. Right? RIGHT? No. J4 > AQ and looper doubles up. Then I get a little greedy v FSU.
I don't think it's really the worst hand I played tonight (for that, see the A5 hand), but if I had thought it out better I'd have realized even this small 3bet commits me, as it offers me a hair better than 2:1. If he's playing tighter than I think, it looks like this:
equity win tie pots won pots tied
Hand 0: 33.788% 33.47% 00.32% 39540085 379707.00 { JhTh }
Hand 1: 66.212% 65.89% 00.32% 77849477 379707.00 { 99+, AJs+, KQs, AQo+ }
And at least some of the time he's got to just have lost his mind with some worse hands.
Anyhow, it may have been preferable to just lay low and pick off looper. Instead, it took me seven hands to go from 64% chips in play three-handed to broke and out in third. The funny thing is that that's not especially like me, and the blinds were small. I had 40bb, for god's sake! I think I get somewhat historically tilted in these situations. I remember all the hands I've played with FSU over 3 years and just feel like I've got to get him this time. For more on this see the hands I played with chicagosox at muckleshoot last weekend.
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