Got a bit reamed last night, for five buyins. Was fine, no major tilt, just...got killed.
Made adjustments per littlebu's advice, but I don't think that was the issue at all.
Quick summary of adjustments: basically opening more with broadway/Ax type hands on the button/co, and a bit more raising against a single limper with similar hands/ position.
Overall for 10k hands : 23/16
Yesterday (1k hands: 25/20
Overall on the button: 27/20
Yesterday on the button: 35/29
Overall in the co: 25/21
Yesterday in the co: 28/25
Win rates (not that these mean anything over 1k hands)
Overall: .16ptbb/hand on the button and .20 in the co
Yesterday: .25 on the button (w00t) and -.25 in the co (oops).
None of this is what made me get killed yesterday though. Here are the big hands. It might get ugly, so make sure you're sitting down.
On this hand I don't mind laying down preflop. In fact I often will, and this is the exact situation I mentioned to littlebu might be a leak for him. There's no way we lay down the flop...but then laying down the turn seems a must. Playing it this way was just booty though, and is a classic situation (for me) where I call the river just because. I got myself there and feel i need to go all the way.
This against a tight regular. Whatever...maybe I should have raised again preflop, I dunno.
This is the kind of hand that just comes with the territory. I love the action, of course, but hate to lose it.
Board: 6h 8d 9d
equity win tie pots won pots tied
Hand 0: 50.572% 50.28% 00.30% 454 2.67 { KcKh }
Hand 1: 26.098% 10.96% 15.13% 99 136.67 { 8h7h }
Hand 2: 23.330% 08.19% 15.13% 74 136.67 { 7d7s }
It went on and on, and...finally, this is my most favoritist of all b/c of how sad it is.
Overall, 1k hands, -25ptbb/100. Gotta go, baby crying. Peace.
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