Chiptalk Thursday night. i play super tight for the first hour (can you say minefield?), and end with 2000 chips. by 8pm i'm up to nearly 6k and we merge for the final table, after starting with 28. Some highlights of the stack accumulation: theft, baby. i just looked over it, and from the first break to 8pm i showed down 0 hands and got up to 3k. then, i raised 2.5x with 99 and got minraised by a loose/passive. so i made it 500 (100/200) and he made it 800. i shoved for 2900 and he called with 66. this got me to 5200.
i got some hands after that and chipped up some, to the final table with 7k and 2nd in chips. bad news is that the chip leaders were all behind me. worse news is that i'm a total dumbass and forget to fold.
whataboutj has been playing a lot of pots and has won 3 of the last 5. he also has me covered in this one might think i'd have the sense to lay down at some point. here it is, in all its glory.
well, we know i played on, right? and what's the point, really? i mean i can fold here and have 5k, which is enough to play with and puts me in the middle of the pack. as i was waiting to act i told myself as much. i mean J isn't a nutjob. he COULD have QT or diamonds, but is it really likely? could he really have QJ or TT?, he couldn't.
so i shove, and he has KJ, and i'm drawing something like dead. and hey! i just played a massive pot against one of the few players that have me covered, and i had a shitty hand! woooooooooo1!!!!111...
no wonder why i don't FT this things anymore.
1 comment:
I was fairly surprised by the shove after I raised to 4k. I was trying to make it as unappealing as possible for you to call.
Should I be concerned or honored that I am featured in 2 of your first few posts :)
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