Monday, July 14, 2008

Started playing .25/.50 6max today

Hoping it'd get my juices flowing, maybe make a bit, maybe lose some and motivate myself to work on the game.

some big hands that came up. villain 47/24, had been waiting on him for some time.

here's a hand i'd play different against nearly anyone, but this guy was a 74 vpip, and i was able to get it in...but i wasn't all that happy about it.

a hand i lost that irked me. kinda hated myself for just calling the turn. don't mind the river raise...his 3 bet is ugly and my hand hit the muck rather quickly.

anyhow, had a good first day, with 800+ hands and a good 23ptbb/100 win.

1 comment:

Wes917 said...

I'm a little surprised that you didn't shove the turn in hand 2 or did you think that was the only way he was going to put the rest in, by checking the river and letting him bluff at it? I don't necessarily hate your line on the third hand against the right opponent, sucks he hada big club.
