With brother-in-law chicagosox planning to come into town for the week, I promised him we'd find a game. Unfortunately, he was coming in Friday-Monday, and the only regular games I have around here are on Thursday nights. So I agree we'll play at the casino.
The thing is, I'm severely under-rolled to play 3/5 (the smallest NL game at Muck), and the closest 1/2 game is at Tulalip, which is like 2 hours north. So I form a half-ass plan for us to get to Tulalip, but when it comes down to it, I just don't want to make the drive. So we decide to play at Muck on Saturday night, 7/19.
They max buyin is $300. This isn't so bad, b/c if I'm gonna play over my roll playing it short is fine. I might get outplayed with deep stacks, but I'm not all that worried about that if i'm only 60bb deep.
Chicagosox gets seated at one table and me at another. Right away I'm comfortable, b/c this game plays timid/weak. There are regularly several limpers, and only 2 players at the table are raising, ever. Postflop play is slow/tight, and the pot is often checked down or taken down with a small bet on the turn.
I play tight for a bit, chip up with a few small pots, and then move to the other table on Chicagosox's immediate left (woo). As i sit down, he bets $130 into a $200 pot with ATT7 on board and is pretty quickly called by a guy with only $40 behind. The river comes blankish, the shortie says "eh, you might as well get it all" and puts his last $40 into $460. Chicagosox calls, the shorty shows A3 and Chicagosox mucks. Um...ok. So he didn't get the memo about not playing unnecessarily large pots against donkeys.
A few hands in, bro-in-law limps utg and i make it $25 with AQo. He calls and the BB calls. board AT4 with two diamonds (i don't have a diamond). He bets $40, I'm nervous to raise with the BB left to act after checking (this is my first big pot at 3/5, grrrrrr) and I just call. BB calls too. The turn comes an offsuit 6, and we all check. The pot is $200. The river comes an the deuce of diamonds to bring the flush. BB checks, CS bets $75, and I call, hating it. He shows A6 of diamonds, having made two pair on the turn and the nut on the river. So I play passively on the flop and let him catch up. That said, would he really fold to a raise on the flop with tpbk and 9 outs to the nuts? I'm not sure, but what I'm really upset about is the river call. I don't think he's particularly excited about beating me in a big pot, and i lose to a flush, AK, AT, other random two pairs plus the ghey straight out there. I'm a bit of a station on the river, and need to figure out how to fix that.
I chop away with a bunch of boring hands and get up to $425. I play an obscenely stupid hand, again against Chicagosox, in which he was good preflop and a huge favorite on the flop, and I call off most of my chips. My stack is down to $75 and I top off to $300. I'm not posting details about this hand any more specifically, b/c I might have to commit suicide if I think about it any more.
I fail to do anything too stupid from there and end up "only" down $250 for my first session.
We go back last night, I win a high hand at 3/6 limit while waiting for my seat and pull $250 for it. Woohoo even steven. Again i play TAG, avoid blowing up, and net $100 for the night.
Hand of interest that I wasn't involved in:
UTG, who I've pegged as a guy that's played live a lot and learned just enough to get himself murdered against good players, is contemplating his action, when UTG+1 (tightish old guy) raises to $15. I'm in the BB, to UTG's right (duh), and I see him get all excited about the out of turn raise. He says "did he raise?" Dealer corrects old guy and says it's UTG's action. so UTG just limps (I wonder what's coming?????), old guy makes his raise, there are two callers, and UTG makes it $50. All three players call. The pot is $200 and the flop comes AK5 rainbow. UTG looks up at the lights in exasperation, sighs deeply, and dismissively waves his hand as he checks. Okay, so his hand is like 90% QQ and 10% JJ/TT. It checks around. The turn is a 4, UTG makes his big showy check again, and the rest check. The river is another stupid blank, with no flush possible, and he does the show again. It folds to the guy in last position, talky asian guy. He says "so no one wants to bet, huh?" Old guy says "we're waiting for you to bet it", and asian guy makes it $100. UTG starts sighing some more, shows me QQ (LDO), and folds. The other two fold and asian guy shows 6 high. UTG starts blabbing about how he folded a MONSTER. A MONSTER, I tells ya!
One more, The last I put chips in before having to leave. Douchey sunglass guy, who plays 50% of the hands, but who has been laying down a lot on the flop, opens to $25. There's one caller, and I'm in the sb with AKo. In retrospect I don't hate the flatcall, which leaves me with about $325 in a pot of $75. If it comes good I only have SPR of 4, which means we go ahead and get it in if someone likes. But I decided douchey didn't have much, the caller didn't seem particularly threatening, and so I make it $100. They both fold, douchey with much pomp and circumstance.
He asks if I had a pair, and I claim to have AA, "of course." He says he folded JJ, and it looks like it was the most painful thing he's ever done in his life. I have about one round to go before I leave, and he's staring at me the whole time, hoping I'm gonna fess up to having J2. I don't of course.
Summary: Two nights, 8 hours play, up $100, for about 1.2 bb/hour :(. If we discount the high hand (as any reasonably person would), I'm down $150 in that time. I think the game is really weak, and if I don't play the two big hands against chicagosox I end up with a good rate for the two nights. All this said, I don't have enough to take significant losses in this game, and will have to be very careful not to bring too much money and tilt off 3 or 4 buyins.
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