Was up early this morning with the baby and worked on bu's HH. Coincidentally, he shipped me his notes while I was working. Cliff notes: he thinks I don't steal enough, I think he 3bets too much, and we agree I suffer from a bit of fancy play syndrome.
I wasn't sure how I felt about him berating me for not stealing on the button/co enough, until I looked at my PT. I play tighter UTG, of course, but end up raising just about the same %. I think this indicates that the extra hand I'm playing on the button are mostly cold calls. This has to be bad...and today I'm going to experiment a bit with raising more often there with hands like A7, QT et cetera.
I referred him to the 2p2 micronl sticky to read up on threebetting. Essentially he's reraising hands that seem to be ahead of the raiser's range, but in then getting himself in spots where he could be dominated. In fact he played a hand where he had AT, 3bet, flopped T hi and stacked off to QQ. I like 3betting a more polarized range to avoid domination and to help the postflop play (56s will play better post flop than AT, imo).
More later...will break 10k hands today and, if I'm lucky, 1k profit as well.
I hope it didn't come across as berating. Just trying to give ya something to think about. After looking at your HH I've adjusted my early position 3 bet range. Played a 600 hand afternoon session and worked on that adjustment along with better table selection (something I lacked before) and ended up taking home ~6 buyins to move into the positive. Looking forward to exchanging more hands as it can only benefit us me thinks.
no, not really. more like repeating repeatedly ;).
was very useful.
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