Thursday, July 31, 2008

Reality Setting In? Winner's Tilt? Something's Just Not Right.

The most likely answer, of course, is that I'm playing like booty. I made gold, which is nice, and haven't been stretching myself. Been playing 4-6 tables and feel like I'm staying on top of it just fine. But...after my first 4k hands I was at 21ptbb/100, and now, after 13k hands I'm at 2.5. ugly.

I'm regularly stacking off with top pair, paying off flopped sets, et cetera. I think part of it is frustration/ my overpair's GOT to be good this time. And some of it is just running normal and not expecting it after the ungodly start.

Good news:
  • Made gold easy, and will do the same next month.
  • My goals for next month seem realistic (20k hands, 5ptbb/100).
  • I've been using PT3, by myself and in chat with littlebu, to try to figure some things out.
  • We did week one of HH swap, and we're doing it again this week, with scottwire.
Bad news:
  • It could be that things will get worse.
  • My rate is much lower for the month than I had hoped.
  • I've LOST money over the last 11k hands (and i only have 13.5k total).


Wes917 said...

Can post stats here
and check out these graphs. The biggest winners have the same stats we do
must analyze a little more and when I get 10k+ in I'll be posting in the stat thread.

Scottwire said...

thanks for those links bu

there's gold in them there threads

i forgot how to play aggressive lately. back in full effect now